The best lighting for every terrain

Waalbouw - verlichting voor bouwplaats

Lighting for areas

Lighting outdoor areas is essential, especially in the early morning and when the evening falls. Good lighting not only ensures safety, but also comfort and a professional appearance.

Outdoor areas, such as parking lots and logistics areas, need high-quality lighting. It prevents accidents, reduces crime and gives visitors and employees a pleasant and safe feeling. In addition, it contributes to a professional appearance of the area, regardless of the time of day.

Contact us
Volkerwessels en Firefly

Volkerwessels en Firefly

Discover our lighting solutions

From a strong base with wide beams, mast lighting and street lighting, we can design an optimal lighting plan for every terrain that matches the wishes and needs of the user. Our high-quality lighting can also be equipped with smart technologies, making the light easy to manage and optimize remotely.

Via our Firefly Platform, the lights can be switched on and off or dimmed wirelessly within seconds. Pre-set lighting programs make operation flexible and easy. This prevents unnecessary energy consumption and your customer saves directly on energy costs.

Another challenge?

We are happy to think along with you


With this lighting upgrade, we are not only focusing on sustainability and energy savings, but we are also contributing to the continuous improvement that Waalbouw stands for.

Ledverlichting bouwplaats

At Firefly we have had the pleasure of delivering several smart lighting solutions to VolkerWessels, with a focus on interactive construction site lighting.

Slimme ledverlichting bij Volkerwessels